Cancer screenings
Our screenings
Cancer screenings are a proactive step you can take to reduce the chance of cancer-related deaths. Early detection of cancers can mean less treatment is necessary for a better outcome. At Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute at Wesley Healthcare, we want you to know about these important cancer screenings:
Breast cancer
Age 20+
Women should be familiar with their breasts and promptly report any changes to a healthcare provider.
Age 20 - 40
Every 3 years
Breast exam by your physician or practitioner.
Age 40+
Consult MD annually
Mammogram and breast exam by your physician or pactitioner.
Calculate your breast cancer risk by visiting
Women should talk with their physicians regularly starting as early as age 25 about their individualized risk for breast cancer, as higher risk women may benefit from genetic counseling or early screening.
Cervical cancer
Age 20 - 29
Every 3 years
Pap test.
Age 30 - 65
Every 5 years
Pap test and HPV test.
Age 65+
Stop testing
Women with normal history should stop testing*
Today, cervical cancer is the only gynecologic cancer for which there is a screening exam (HPV testing and Pap testing, also called a Pap smear). At Sarah Cannon, we recommend the following guidelines:
- Age 21 to 29: Pap test every three years
- Age 30 to 65: Pap test and HPV test every five years
- Age 65+: Women with normal history should stop testing
*Women with an abnormal diagnosis should be tested for 20 years following the result, even if testing continues past age 65. A woman whose uterus and cervix have been removed for non-cervical cancer reasons, and who has no history of cervical or pre-cervical cancer, should not be tested.
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Colorectal cancer
Age 45+
Evidence-based options may include colonoscopy at 10-year intervals or a fecal immunohistochemistry test(FIT) annually
Sarah Cannon recommends consulting your physician if you are 45 years of age or older to determine the right screening test for you. Evidence-based options may include Colonoscopy at 10-year intervals or a Fecal Immunohistochemistry Test (FIT) annually. Consult your physician to determine the right screening test for you.
Lung cancer
Age 50-80*
(Must be 50-77 for Medicare)
Low-dose CT scan every year
Sarah Cannon recommends Low-Dose CT Scan every year for people who meet the following criteria:
- Age 50-80
- Those who have at least a 20 pack-year smoking history and are current smokers or have quit within the past 15 years
- Must be 50-77 for Medicare
20 Pack-Year Equivalent
- 1 pack a day for 20 years
- 2 packs a day for 10 years
Skin cancer
Age 20+
Regular full body skin self-exams and skin exams by your doctor
Early detection and treatment is key for melanoma. Sarah Cannon recommends regular full body skin self-exams and skin exams by your doctor starting at age 20. Performing a full-body skin self-exam each month will help you become familiar with your skin so that you can identify any skin changes that could signal skin cancer. Those at high risk for skin cancer include those with reduced immunity, personal history of skin cancer, and a strong family history of skin cancer.