Patient information
When you visit a Wesley Healthcare facility, we consider you to be our guest.
Our physicians, nurses and management team are honored and pleased that you have chosen Wesley for your, or a loved one’s, medical needs. Wesley’s network of experienced doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals are committed to delivering the highest level of healthcare possible for patients in Wichita and throughout Kansas and northern Oklahoma.
Helpful links for patients
Online Registration
We know your time is valuable. That’s why we offer convenient online registration for services such as surgical procedures, mammograms, and diagnostic tests and treatments.
Participating insurance plans
We accept all forms of government insurance from the U.S., Canada and other countries. We also accept Medicare, Medicaid, Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), and workers compensation.
Advance care planning
Advance directives are legal documents that allow you to give directions for your future medical care. Advance directives help you protect your right to request or refuse care.
Patient rights and responsibilities
We respect the dignity and pride of each individual we serve. We want our patients to be informed of their rights, responsibilities, and have access to contacts for complaints and grievances.
Our mission
The reputation for excellence that we have built over the years can be attributed to the compassion and expertise of all our surgeons and other physicians who provide outstanding care at our network of facilities. We thank you for making us the most preferred hospital in Kansas.
Have questions or need assistance?
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with anyone wearing a Wesley badge. Our goal is to provide courteous services at all times.
Pediatric resources
Basic resources (assistant with rent/utilities/food)
Behavioral health/counseling
- Phone number: (316) 660-9605
- Phone number: (316) 260-4673
Mental Health Association of South Central Kansas
- Phone number: (316) 685-1821
Community services
Kansas Children's Service League
- Phone number: (316) 942-4261
Crisis Nursery/Repite Services
- Phone number: (316) 942-4261, Ext. 1312
Kansas Department of Health and Environment- Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
- Phone number: (316) 660-7444
Sedwick County- Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
- (Northeast) NE/Main WIC Clinic phone number: (316) 660-7438; 1900 E. 9th
- (Southeast) Colvin WIC Clinic phone number: (316) 660-7417; 2820 S. Roosevelt
- (Southwest) Stanley WIC Clinic phone number: (316) 660-7405; 1749 S. Martinson
- Phone number: (316) 660-7433
Runaway and homeless youth shelters
Substance abuse services
- Phone number: (316) 262-2060
- Phone number: (316) 941-9948
- Phone number: (316) 613-2222
Report child abuse/neglect – Dept. of Children & Families (DCF)
- Phone number: 1 (800) 922-5330
Early childhood developmental services
Advocacy and support
Children's Miracle Network
- Sedgwick County phone number: (316) 268-8519
- Main office phone number: (316) 261-8320
Kansas Society for Children with Challenges
- Phone number: 1 (800) 624-4530
United Cerebral Palsy of Kansas
- Phone number: (316) 688-1888
First Hand Foundation
- Phone number: (816) 201-1569
Grief / loss
- Phone number: (316) 263-3335
Special needs resources
United Cerebral Palsy of Kansas – Wheelchair Seating Clinics
- Phone number: (316) 266-2266
Orthotic & Prosthetic Solutions – Hanger Clinic
- Phone number: (316) 685-1268