Observation requests
For many, healthcare is more than a job or a profession, it’s a calling. At Wesley Healthcare, we’re always looking for the next generation of those interested in a career in healthcare.
One way to learn more about this field is to observe at one of our hospitals. To qualify, you must be at least a high school junior. When you observe, you’ll be able to spend time with someone in a healthcare field of your choice.
If you’re interested, please download our PDF packet. It contains important information, documents, and other requirements you must complete before you can observe at Wesley Medical Center or Wesley Woodlawn. Please also familiarize yourself with our HIPAA Privacy Presentation.
If you have any questions along the way, email observations@wesleymc.com and we’ll be happy to answer them for you.
Please return all documents in a single PDF file – not “piece meal’. If you submit your paperwork and it’s incomplete, we will not be able to process your request. So double check you have the necessary paperwork.
When the paperwork is completed, please save it as a single PDF file and email it to observations@wesleymc.com. You can also fax it to (316) 665-6712.
We must receive your paperwork at least two weeks prior to the beginning of your observation experience so we have time to ensure you have a good experience.
Thank you again for your interest. We’re excited for your future in the healthcare profession.