Women's care
Women's health center in Wichita, Kansas
Wesley Medical Center offers comprehensive women's healthcare services in Wichita, Kansas.
From childbirth services to annual mammograms, we offer all the services women need to maintain optimal health.
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Wesley Women's Hospital
Wesley Women’s Hospital is a four-story unit of Wesley Medical Center dedicated to the care of women. Within Wesley Women’s Hospital are designated floors for maternity care and female inpatients requiring hospitalization before giving birth or after breast or gynecologic surgery.
All rooms are private and staffed by compassionate nurses. The nursing staff within the unit have won the Quality of Life Award from the Wichita Medical Research and Education Foundation for their dedication to medical care for women.
Comprehensive maternity services
Wesley Medical Center cares for women during all stages of pregnancy. Our maternity services include:
If your baby requires additional care following birth, we have an on-site Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
Screenings and preventive care for women
We support the women in our community by providing convenient access to health screenings for breast cancer, gynecologic cancers, osteoporosis and more.
We offer bone densitometry tests and provide complete breast imaging services. If cancer is detected, you can feel confident in the cancer care you will receive at Wesley Medical Center.